Digital Engagement Documentation

Search Table

The Search bar allows users to search for a Subscriber by Column Fields.

Search for a Subscriber

The Search bar and Column’s Field dropdown is located at the top of the Subscriber’s List, next to the Add Subscribers button.


The dropdown Column contains predefined fields (mobile, email, devices), but the user can create new Fields. To search by a Field, select the Column dropdown.


Enter the desired field value in the Subscriber Search bar.


For example, if the user wants to search for  Subscribers using their email, select the field ‘email’, then type the email you want to search for in the Search bar.


To complete the Search, click on the Search icon located on the right side of the text field bar (lupa.PNG)

When clicked, the Subscribers searched for will be displayed.


If the user wants to return to the subscribers list, click on the Delete icon located on the right side of the Search Subscriber bar (x.PNG)