Digital Engagement Documentation


The Subscriber List provides a very simple, but useful pagination to improve and facilitate the amount of Subscribers that are displayed in the List.

The user can change the number of subscribers, between 5, 10, 25, 100 items, that he wants to display in the subscriber list per page and view the total number of subscribers.

Select Number of Subscribers to Display

From the main Subscribers section, click on the ‘Items per page’ located in the lower-right corner of the List.

Next to the ‘items per page’, the total number of subscribers is located.


When you select Items per page, a dropdown will open with the following options:

  • 5

  • 10

  • 25

  • 100


Each option corresponds to the number of Subscribers that can be displayed in the List.

For example, if the user wants to display 10 Subscribers, select the number 10 from the dropdown.


After selecting the number 10, the Subscriber’s List will display a total of 10 Subscribers.
